
Our greenhouse located at 651 Sagg Main St in Sagaponack provides some of the best plant material on the East End. Our buyers are constantly in search of the new and unusual to offer to our clientele. An extensive selection of pots is also available. Professional tools are available to order.


An extensive selection of plants is available for retail purchase. Plant material includes: annuals, perennials, roses, shrubs, tropicals, fruits and vegetables and herbs.


Seasonal - Please call 631-537-0051 Also available by Appointment

Plant Finder Service

We're out and about all the time purchasing plants for the greenhouse and our landscape clients. If you need something we don't have in stock we're able to track down just about anything from annuals to specimen trees from our suppliers throughout the US.

Organic Pest Deterrents

For protection against deer we offer: Plot Saver, Deer Solution and Deer Stopper. Goose Repellent; for repelling geese, turkeys and ducks from lawns and golf courses, and it won't harm your pets. Liquid Net For Pets our preferred flea, tick and insect repellent for your pets.

Soil Amendments

Bio-Pak, a water soluble bio-stimulant with beneficial bacteria. Full range of Tone fertilizers: the organic fertilizer that we recommend.

Professional Gardening Tools

The tools our crews use on the job are available to order at the greenhouse. Well-made and long-lasting these are the tools to make your gardening easier.